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Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Narkoba

Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tema Narkoba. Mudah-mudahan pidato bahasa inggris tentang narkoba ini bisa lebih dikembangkan dan menjadi inspirasi bagi kalian yang sedang membutuhkannya.
Assalamualaikum Wr Wb
Let's say the grace of God Almighty's presence, because of the blessings of His grace within which we've been given so as health can still be gathered here in good health.
Father-Mother board of teachers and friends dear to me. Here let me say one or two words. What i would like to say Happy National Health Day for us all.
My friends who I loved from year to year we have a tendency to experienced a awfully speedy change, from that we have a tendency to must keep our association many friends as potential as a result of we have a tendency to are already one step in determining the longer term. and that they were all too many who fall into the planet of medicine.
Keep your friends know!
Drugs are one type of psychotropic medication. This drug is used in medicine as a sedative in patients with depression and as an anesthetic for surgery. However, when this perform is used by many one among the teenagers.
Their drug use as stress relievers and even a contemporary trend, that is extremely well-liked among teenagers. medication within the world of teenagers may get from anywhere. When medication are included in our world, it's very tough when we are off to him.
My friends?
Lots of losses arising from the drug in our lives. As one: If someone is addicted to medication is definitely his life will be ruined. And its future would be bleak. particularly when there he would come to work or maybe visit college. within the medical tests he would not pass. That result in no longer a bright future for him then let us never entered or tried medication. The conditions and for any reason because the younger generation and also the successor to the nation. let us fill this independence by always learning, and uphold the dignity of this nation. Tell me and instill in us
Thus my speech on the morning of a gorgeous and bright. Hopefully what I actually have to say speech is helpful to us all. And then what if there are words and perspective of my heart within the audience about all I apologize.
So, and good morning.

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Wassalamu'alaikum Wr Wb.

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